ABOUT THE NEWS- LETTER ARCHIVES: Access All Mark Satin Articles, 2005- 2009 Access All Mark Satin Articles, 1999- 2004 Access John Avlon Archive, 2004-2006 RADICAL MIDDLE, THE BOOK: OUR CONGRES- SIONAL SCORECARDS: 109th and 110th Congresses (2005-08) OUR POLITICAL BOOK AWARD WINNERS: RESPONSES FROM OTHERS: Feisty E-mails to the Editor, 2008 - 2009 Feisty E-mails to the Editor, 2007 Feisty E-mails to the Editor, 2006 Feisty E-mails to the Editor, 2005 Feisty Letters to the Editor, 2002-04 Feisty Letters to the Editor, 1999-2001 WHO WE ARE: About the Editor (In-House Version) About the Editor (By Marilyn Ferguson) About Our Sponsor, the Center for Visionary Law
New World Alliance is a conscious attempt to create a national political
movement based on values that have traditionally stood outside politics” New
World Alliance: by
Mark Satin Five years before the
founding of the U.S. Green Party, and 20 years before the founding of the
radical-centrist New America Foundation, a proto-Green and
proto-radical-centrist political organization was launched in the U.S.
Most of the founders of
the New World Alliance were Baby Boomers who, for better or worse, described
their politics with terms like “transformational,” “ecofeminist,”
“humanistic,” “spiritual,” or “holistic.”
Having just written a book called New Age Politics (1978), I
tended to favor the term “New Age.” During the few but
intense years of our existence, the New World Alliance was the principal U.S.
national political organization for such people, whom we felt numbered in the
millions. (In 2001, in their book
The Cultural Creatives, social scientists Paul Ray and Sherry Anderson
put the number at 50 million.) There
were some entities abroad that already in the 1970s shared much of our vision,
such as the Values Party
in New Zealand and The
Future in Our Hands group in Norway. Our initial 39-member
Governing Council included Len Duhl (a former Robert Kennedy speechwriter),
John McClaughry (a Ronald Reagan speechwriter), Donald Keys (president of
Planetary Citizens), Corinne McLaughlin
(co-founder of an intentional community in rural MA) ... all in all, an
amazingly wide variety of professionals and activists from coast to coast.
You can see all 39 GC members’ names and affiliations at the end of
our brochure, linked at section II below. History has a bad
memory, particularly when it’s written by partisans of competing
organizationss or paradigms. So
what you’ll find here are texts that can fill you in on this underreported
but – I suspect – evolutionarily significant experiment in American
A great article on the Alliance II.
Our introductory brochure III.
Our political platform IV.
Our ideology V.
Twelve of us describe our projects and processes VI.
Fifteen of us reflect on why we failed (or how we succeeded!) VII.
Passages about us from 20 books and articles VIII.
For further research I.
A great article on the Alliance The best article about
the Alliance, by acclamation, is Marilyn Saunders’s interview with Bob
Olson, “The
New World Alliance: Toward a Transformational Politics” (CLICK, then
scroll to p. 14 / pdf p. 12), in the December 1980 issue of AHP Newsletter,
a publication of the Association for Humanistic Psychology. Bob’s day job was
senior researcher at the Office of Technology Assessment of the U.S. Congress.
But he was also chair of the coordinating committee of he Alliance –
our “president,” in effect,
though he never called himself that. He
not only covers our history, goals, and programs in the interview.
He does so in a way that beautifully captures our hopes and
sensibilities from that time. II.
Our introductory brochure Thousands of these were
distributed over the years, often in direct-mail packets.
I have reproduced most of the text from the original (1980) brochure,
New World Alliance: A Different Kind of Political Organization” (CLICK
TO VIEW). I only regret you are
not able to see it in its original sun-yellow and sky-blue trim. You might enjoy
comparing and contrasting the Alliance’s 10 Broad Goals in the brochure (or the
second-to-last page of the platform, below) to the Black Panther Party’s 10
Point Plan, or the U. S. Green Party’s 10
Key Values. III.
Our political platform As Bob Olson explains in
the article under I above, one of our major projects was to create a political
platform that could point Americans to better (more personally rewarding and
more globally responsible) ways of acting in the world.
Over 200 Alliance members contributed to it, and nearly every Governing
Council (“GC”) member reviewed it. A Transformation
Platform: The Dialogue Begins (CLICK TO SEE), was laid out and printed by GC
member Rarihokwats, co-founder of Akwesasne Notes and staff member of Green
Revolution magazine, just in time to be introduced by Bob Olson, Kirk
Sale, at others at a National Press Club briefing in Washington, D.C., on
January 28,1981. Unfortunately, the press
did not know what to make of it. Neither
did many activists, who were still caught up in top-down (rather than
dialogic) ways of developing their ideas, or who were still pursuing one-eyed,
left- or right-wing approaches to public policy.
Parts of the platform still await their political moment. IV.
Our ideology If you’d like to delve
deeper into our ideology at the time of our founding (1979), you can do no
better than read the books written by our original Governing Council members
within two years of that date: Clement
Bezold, ed., Anticipatory Democracy: People in the Politics of the Future,
Random House, 1978 Nancy
Cosper, You Can Can with Honey, self-published, 1977 Melvin
Gurtov, Making Changes: The Politics of Self-Liberation, Harvest Moon
Books, 1979 Lex
Hixon, Coming Home: The Experience of Enlightenment in Sacred Traditions,
Doubleday, 1978 Donald
Keys, The United Nations and Planetary Consciousness, Agni Press, 1977 Patricia
Mische (and Gerald Mische), Toward a Human World Order: Breaking the
National Security Straitjacket, Paulist Press, 1977 James
Ogilvy, Many Dimensional Man: Decentralizing Self, Society, and the Sacred,
Oxford University Press, 1977 Kirkpatrick
Sale, Human Scale, Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 198 Mark
Satin, New Age Politics: Healing Self and Society, Dell Publishing Co.,
1978 Although published in
the 1990s, two more books by three other founding GCers may also help: Corinne
McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, Spiritual Politics: Changing the World from
the Inside Out, Ballantine Books, 1994 Stephen
Woolpert et al., eds., Transformational Politics: Theory, Study, and
Practice, State University of New York Press, 1998 V.
newsletter, Renewal, carried a column called “New
World Alliance Update” (CLICK TO VIEW) that gave GC members and
chapter coordinatorrs a chance to sound off about Alliance projects,
purposes, and processes. We’ve
PDF’d14 good ones for you here. VI.
Fifteen of us reflect on why we failed (or how we succeeded!)
As you can see, some of
our responses were emotionally fraught – even a quarter of a century after
the fact! – and among them they cover an enormous amount of ground; some of
us claim we did not “fail” at all. I
hope the article proves helpful to you in thinking about your own political
organizing. Caption for picture above: Kirkpatrick Sale, center, flanked by Faith Sale and Bob Olson. Bob, a senior researcher at the Office of Technology Assessment of the U.S. Congress, was chair of our Governing Council. Kirk, a decentralist author and activist, was a member of the GC. On January 28, 1981, Bob, Kirk, Jim Benson (an environmentalist GCer) and Mark Satin presented the Alliance's "Transformati0n Platform" at a press conference in the Capital Room of the National Press Club in Washington, DC.
Passages about us from 20 books and articles We have confined ourselves here to passages from commercially published, non-Alliance texts. For primary source materials, see roman numeral "VIII" below. /////////////// A.
IDENTITY AND PERSPECTIVE 1. First of its kind “Satin has ... begun
to facilitate the formation of a national, New Age-oriented political
organization – the first of its kind.” “In 1981 the group put
forward a ‘Transformational Platform,’ which was the first attempt [in the
U.S.] to take ecological, decentralist, globalist, and human-growth ideas and
translate them into a detailed, practical political platform with about 300
specific proposals.” 2. CHARACTERIZATIONS “[T]he Alliance is a
new national political organization with a point of view that’s often called
‘transformational;’ or ‘New Age,’ or what Marilyn Ferguson calls the
‘Aquarian Conspiracy.’” “[T]he ‘New Age’
movement, an alliance of decentralists and former counterculturalists, often
adopts surprisingly libertarian positions.
A recent issue of the New Age newsletter [i.e., the New World Alliance
newsletter – ed.] Renewal provides a case in point.” “The New World
Alliance is a conscious attempt to create a national political movement based
on values that have traditionally stood outside politics” “Satin ... develop[ed]
an organizational structure for what can be called the ‘transformative
change’ movement.” “[Satin] joined Marc
Sarkady and others in an attempt (in Sarkady’s words) ‘to embody a new
holistic vision of politics in America’: the New World Alliance.” “The New World
Alliance ... sought to combine left and right as well as personal and
political.” “ ... the first
national ‘New Age’ political organization.” “And here I was, eight
years later, with another group hoping to launch a national postliberal /
Green / transformational (there was still no widely accepted term) political
organization.” “ ... an early new
paradigm group called the New World Alliance.” “[T]he New World
Alliance ... was a short-lived precursor of the North American Greens.” “ ... a national
‘post-liberal, pot-socialist’ political organization called the New World
Alliance.” “[The Alliance’s]
‘third way’ ideas (basically, radical middle ideas) ...
. 3. GOALS AND VALUES “[A]lmost everyone on
the Governing Council has been involved in the human potential movement in one
way or another and is attracted something like the Greek conception of Paidea,
the idea that the entire society and all of its institutions should function
to develop and refine people’s abilities.” “[The Alliance’s]
stated objectives included the following: ‘The NWA seeks to break away from
the old quarrels of “left against right” and help create a new consensus
based on our heartfelt needs. It
emphasizes personal growth – and nurturing others – rather than
indiscriminate material growth. It
advocates “human scale” institutions that function with human
consideration and social responsibilities.
It draws on the social movements of the recent past for new values like
ecological responsibility, self-realization and planetary cooperation and
sharing. It draws on our
conservative heritage for values such as personal responsibility,
self-reliance, thrift, neighborliness and community.
It draws from the liberal traditions a commitment to human and civil
rights, economic equity and social justice.
We call this synthesis “New World” politics.’” “Its political vision
included healing, rediscovery, human growth, ecology, participation,
appropriate scale, globalism, technological creativity and spirituality.” “’Politics is the
way we live our lives,’ stated ... the New World Alliance ... .
‘It is not just running for office.
It is the way we treat each other, as individuals, as groups, as
governments. It is the way we
treat our environment. It is the
way we treat ourselves.’” “ …
attending meetings in San Francisco and New York City to try and birth a third
political party we named the New World Alliance.” /////////////// B. The start-uP 1. THE BUS TOUR
“Since [Satin’s
first speaking invitation, he] has covered more than 55,000 miles – mostly
by Greyhound bus – and always with a couple of boxes of New Age Politics
by his side. He has given half a
hundred talks and workshops on his ideas before groups as diverse as those at
a cultural center in Harlem and the Institute of Politics at Harvard, a
decentralist ‘gathering’ in Oregon and a world order ‘colloquium’ in
New York. ... Satin has, in fact,
begun to facilitate the formation of a national, New Age-oriented political
organization ... .
Wherever he went people would ask him if there was an organization they
could join that shared this new political perspective and that was trying to
do something politically practical and concrete.
‘I kept having to say no, and I finally said no one too many
times.’” “When [Mark] Satin
returned to the United States under [President] Carter’s Vietnam amnesty
program, he decided to take a cross-country bus trip to assess the mood of
‘new age’ activists, to learn from them what was needed to start a new
national political organization. ‘I
went systematically to 24 cities and regions from coast to coast, ...’ he
wrote to us in a letter. I
stopped when I found 500 [accomplished] people who said they’d answer a
questionnaire ... on what a New Age-oriented political organization should be
like – what its politics should be, what its projects should be, and how its
first directors should be chosen.” 2. The questionnaire
process “When Mark Satin was
doing the networking that originally brought the Alliance into existence, he
sent out a 21-page questionnaire on what a transformation-oriented political
organization should be like that was answered by about 350 people involved in
personal growth and social change organizations.” “Twenty-one pages
long, ... Satin’s questionnaire plumbed people’s political and
philosophical beliefs with wide-ranging questions like ... ‘How can we make
small family farming more of an option for Americans?’ ... ‘How should we,
as a society, deal with the future?’ ‘How large should the Board of
Directors be?” "Of the original
500 people to whom the questionnaire was sent, 350 responded.” “The Alliance
originated from a 21-page questionnaire sent out by Mark Satin, author of New
Age Politics, to 350 people involved in a variety of personal-growth and
social-change activities.” “[T]he New World
Alliance ... was founded ... after a nationwide Delphi-type survey among 500
academics, policy experts, and political activists interested in this emerging
[transformational] political perspective.” The questionnaire was “a 23-page
survey with multiple-choice questions (each question also had an additional,
much-used option of ‘other’) on an amazing variety of detailed subjects to
be used for founding the new organization.” The
questionnaire revealed that, among respondents, “The overwhelming source of
today’s troubles … was ‘our attitudes
and values.’” 3. STRUCTURE AND
PROCESS “Participants [in the
questionnaire process] elected a 39-member Governing Council.” “NWA is
nonhierarchically structured, working in decentralized committees.” “An unsigned article
in the January 26, 1982 issue of Renewal described the Alliance as
expressing commitment ‘to consensus building in all our groups and projects
and to using short periods of silence to draw on our intuition in making
decisions and solving conflicts.’” 4. THE OFFICE “[The Governing
Council] set up headquarters at 733 15th Street NW in Washington, a block and
a half from the White House.” /////////////// C. THE
Governing Council “Satin returned the
questionnaire tabulations to the respondents, asking them to nominate
themselves to the governing council – 89 people did, from whom 39 were
chosen for the council by an unusual selection process developed from the
questionnaire response itself: 40 percent by mail ballot, 30 percent by
lottery, 20 percent by Satin himself, and 10 percent by four women.” 2. Members of the
Governing Council “Included [on the
Governing Council] was a Reagan speechwriter, a Bobby Kennedy speechwriter,
the vice president of a major corporation, a co-founder of the Federation of
Egalitarian Communities, a spiritual teacher, a member of the Colorado
Legislature.” “The first Governing
Council of the Alliance ... included ... a co-author of the Pentagon Papers,
several people from the erstwhile counterculture, and even a number of
spiritually-oriented people. ...” “While a number [of
members of the first GC] clearly come out of counterculture backgrounds, an
equal number have backgrounds in government and academia.” “[T]he NWA Governing
Council included teachers, futurists, environmentalists, feminists, think-tank
members, an other from a variety of professional backgrounds.” “There was Bob, a
project director at the U.S. Congress’s Office of Technology Assessment;
Jim, one of the original Nader’s Raiders who’d just gone off in his own
less adversarial direction; George, a human resources consultant for major
corporations; Nancy, fabled grassroots networker of the Pacific Northwest; and
on and on, an amazing array of talent and energy.” The
founders “already were, or in subsequent years would become, well-known
authors, educators, and activists.” 3. Meetings of the
Governing Council “In December 1979, the
NWA held its first governing council meeting in New York.” “The New World
Alliance ‘governing council’ met semi-annually to discuss strategies for
social transformation.” /////////////// D.
“ ... a new form of
political platform that we call a Living Platform.
The platform offers concrete political proposals, but doesn’t purport
to offer final answers. It
includes commentary and dissenting opinion, and it asks readers to criticize
it and help improve it. ... I
think it’s already, in its first draft, the most innovative political
platform that’s been done in the United States.” “ ... a political
‘living’ platform that defines its positions on global policy, crime and
justice, economics, science and technology, energy, health, and the
environment.” “In 1981 the group put
forward a ‘Transformational Platform,’ which was the first attempt [in the
U.S.] to take ecological, decentralist, globalist, and human-growth ideas and
translate them into a detailed, practical political platform with about 300
specific proposals.” The
platform was “widely circulated.” 2. Political
Awareness Seminars “[A] half-dozen people
[are involved] in the creation of a Political Awareness Seminar, an intensive
one-day or weekend experience that will help people to discover and blend
their visions of a better society and to explore ways to implement their
visions. The idea is to allow
people to experience their own potential for political effectiveness and
explore their own highest values, without propaganda.
Much of the work will involve connecting people’s inner psychological
and spiritual life with their outer political expression.” “[The Alliance]
sponsors ‘Political Awareness Seminars’ designed ‘to give people
confidence that each one of us can have a significant impact on changing the
world’” “[I]n a New World
Alliance seminar called ‘Political Awareness,’ ... participants were asked
to pair up and role play their feelings toward their political adversaries and
then to reverse roles and play their adversaries.
Many deep insights resulted, with participants discovering that they
themselves often had problems similar to the ones they accused their
adversaries of having.” 3. CHAPTERS “As the membership
grows, we’ll encourage the organizing of local chapters around the
country.” “In the
Alliance’s early years, there was a kind of missionary zeal to encourage the
formation of local chapters in various cities.” “Our
Wisconsin chapter met for several years and supported some candidates running
for office.” 4.
“ ... a first national
conference of transformation-oriented elected officials.” “Members of the
Association for Humanistic Psychology and the New World Alliance have drafted
amendments for Democratic Party platforms in the state of California.” “One
proposal that kept surfacing was to sponsor a national political consultation
on transformation-oriented politics. We’d
invite selected open-minded elected politicians. …” “After the Alliance board agreed to
go ahead, We invited John Vasconcellos, an influential progressive legislator
in California, and Miller Hudson, a more conservative legislator in Colorado
and a member of the Alliance’s board, who signed a letter to all invitees
for the consultation on March 27-29, 1981.” “ … miraculously on Sunday morning
it all came together, starting with the politicians who, one by one, spoke of
how this opened whole new horizons for them.” 5. Political
newsletter “ ... a newsletter
that will report on current events from a transformational perspective, and
report on the emerging transformational movement itself.
Mark Satin, the author of New Age Politics, will be the editor,
and he’s decided to call it Renewal.
Anyone who’s read Mark’s book, with its remarkable cataloguing and
synthesizing of transformational ideas, will appreciate that he’s the right
person for that project.” “Renewal,
edited by Satin, intended to take a ‘critical’ and ‘constructive’ look
at ... ‘politics as if people mattered.’” “Renewal: New
Values, New Politics ... was instituted as an ongoing forum and
clearinghouse for the movement. ... Each
of its founding sponsors – Ernest Callenbach, Willis Harman, Hazel
Henderson, Karl Hess, Patricia Mische, Jeremy Rifkin, James Robertson (from
Britain), Carl Rogers, and John Vasconcellos [–] were accomplished writers,
researchers, and activists in their fields.” “Renewal
focused on the human growth, decentralist, and world order movements and
sought ‘to critically assess and not just praise the books, pamphlets and
articles that are relevant to those perspectives.” “Sponsored
by Renewal, … the
[Transformational Book Award] is to honor those books which – in the awful
jargon that sometimes gets infused into these things – ‘have the potential
to contribute most to the reconceptualization of politics along human growth,
decentralist, and world order lines.’ (As
sorry a mouthful of rhetoric as that is, that’s roughly what this
‘transformational’ idea is all about.)
The judges were seventy ‘transformation-minded’ academics at
universities and think-tanks in the U.S.” /////////////// E. THE
END “In August 1982 the
Alliance collapsed, unable to establish stable chapters in any major city.” “The NWA Governing
Council dissolved and then reconstituted itself, all during that one weekend
in August 1982. The Alliance
agreed to close its Washington, D.C., office but to keep the Governing Council
together, and called for its next meeting to be held at Esalen in California.
It was decided that the Alliance thereafter would be an umbrella for a
variety of entrepreneurial projects.” “I was able to help
organize ... the New World Alliance (1979 – 1983, R.I.P.) /////////////// F.
ASSESSMENT 1 . High hopes were raised “Clearly, what Mark
Satin seeks to create could fill a large vacuum in American politics.” “New political parties
such as the Citizens Party have been formed in the United States. ...
Similar efforts that are les focused on immediate electoral victories
include the California-based Campaign for Economic Democracy. ...
The more visionary, global movement coalescing around the prodigious
communication efforts of Mark Satin, author of New Age Politics (Delta,
1979), has now incorporated as the New World Alliance.” 2. CRITICISMS “After four or five
[Governing Council] meetings, Mark [Satin] realized how little practical
action comes out of intoxicating rhetoric.” “Reflecting on the
movement, Satin observed: ... ‘We are engaged in theoretical-verbal overkill
... [because we] are afraid to move. We
don’t know what to do, and we don’t know what to do because we are afraid
to try and fail.’ ... [That]
critique was presented at a panel discussion ... at a conference of the
Association for Humanistic Psychology in Washington, D.C., in August 1982.
[An] estimated 400 people ... crowded into the meeting room at American
University. ...” “[Another] panelist,
Walter Truett Anderson, ... noted that the concept of transformation had been
turning into a cliché. ... It
also ‘has some of the quality of becoming what I think can rightfully be
called a cult. The concept itself
has become vague – it’s not very clear to many people what we wish to
transform and when, how much, where and how.” “Another panel
participant, Michael Marien, editor of the World Future Society’s Future
Survey, chided the transformation movement for the overuse of words like
network, caring, holistic, creativity, synergy, and feedback, and not coming
to grips with the realities of competition, crime, and corruption.
‘Maybe they’ll just go away,’ he quipped.” “[New World Alliance
co-founder Marc] Sarkady feels [the Alliance] ‘was still too rooted in the
New Age countercultural movement.’” “We would rather be
good than do good. We would
rather be pure than mature. We
are the Beautiful Losers” “[The] insistence on
consensus made for extended meetings and minimal results. ...
Within a few months, one member of the group was complaining the
Alliance had turned into a ‘diddler’s cult.’” “As ... Robert Olson
wrote in the last issue of Renewal, ‘What happened was a collective
letting go of the expectations we had all put upon ourselves when the Alliance
was founded, an admission that in terms of our personalities and skills we
were not the collection of people to create the kind of tightly-organized,
hard-driving, mass membership organization we had originally envisaged.’” “We were nearly aglow
with great new political ideas. But
when it came time to getting those ideas onto the American political agenda,
we were stumped.” “[M]any ... meetings
were held, but little money got raised and few projects got done.
Astonishing amounts of energy went down the drain.” “As I
learned more about the Alliance …, I sensed the same dynamic that was taking
place with High Wind [intentional community in Wisconsin].
The initial idealism, enthusiasm, and energy of the founding process
mixes in with frictions and personality struggles as the new organization
grapples with the nitty gritty of doing the daily work and ironing out
conflicts.” “ …
the fledgling organization struggled to decide what it was going to do.” “I
couldn’t understand why the New World Alliance, with its well-formulated
ideas and high-powered advocates, could never pull in enough funds to staff an
organization and maintain local chapters around the country.
I concluded that the people with most clout were investing their
primary energy in their own organizations, …” “ …
and that the new politics that the Alliance was conceptualizing was too far
ahead of the contemporary culture. Major
foundations were not ready to challenge mainstream political life.” 3. Internal
reflections after 25 years [See the remarks by 15
former Governing Council members HERE.] 4. POSITIVE VIEWS a. Impact on
beyond-left-and-right politics “The New World
Alliance was one of the first groups to articulate aspects of the new
transformational politics, especially the idea of creating a new synthesis of
left and right.” b. Impact on the
Green Party “On the weekend o
August 10-12, 1984, ... 62 thinkers and activists from across the U.S. came
together ... to found what eventually became the U.S. Green Party. ...
Eight of us had ties to Murray Bookchin’s Institute for Social
Ecology. Even more of us had been
associated with the New World Alliance.” c. Impact on the
American Political Science Association “Ten years later
[i.e., 1983 – M.S.] the key values of the Alliance were incorporated into
the Transformational Politics Section of the American Political Science
Association. ... Corinne
[McLaughlin] regularly presents papers in the Transformation Track.” d. Predecessor to New
Options newsletter “Satin[‘s] ...
unique New Options newsletter [was] begun in 1984 as successor to his Renewal
newsletter.” e. Impact on
transformational political theory [After the Alliance’s
collapse, many former GC members made original contributions to
transformational political theory. (See
books by Duhl, Gurtov, Hartzok, James, McClaughry, McLaughlin / Davidson,
Olson, Sale, Satin, Turner, and Woolpert.)] f. Impact on
contemporary social change movement in general “Two decades later we
know that Satin’s hopes for a new political platform did not materialize.
But ... he caught sight of and began to plan for the general movement
for change that is taking place now.” VIII.
For further research For the Wikipedia
biography of Satin, now a “Featured Article” there, go HERE. For Satin’s Amazon
Author Page linking to all six of his books, go HERE. If you’d like to do
original research on the New World Alliance, three excellent document
collections are now available: In Philadelphia The Contemporary Culture
Collection, at Temple University library in Philadelphia, holds the New
World Alliance / New Options Correspondence Files.
Within it are hundreds letters from Alliance Governing Council members,
chapter members, and supporters, as well as all the existing public documents,
internal documents, and memos. An
Alliance supporter at the Contemporary Culture Collection obtained this
material for the library. In Ann Arbor, Michigan The Joseph A. Labadie
Collection, at the University of Michigan’s Hatcher Library, houses the Mark
Satin Papers, and among them you can find an entire section devoted to the
Alliance. There are sub-sections
consisting of 50 internal documents generated by he Alliance, 15 media
mentions of the Alliance, 15 articles from the Alliance’s newsletter about
the Alliance, and Satin’s personal memoir of his Alliance years. In the San
Francisco Bay Area Mark Satin keeps a copy
of the Labadie Collection’s Mark Satin Papers in his personal possession in
Oakland, CA. If you would like to
access them there, write him at msatin (at) mindspring (dot) com.
Please be brief, use 14-point type (because of his eye condition), and
put “Research” in the subject line. |
ABOUT THE RADICAL MIDDLE CONCEPT 50 Thinkers and Activists DESCRIBE the Radical Middle 50 Best Radical Middle BOOKS of the '00s GREAT RADICAL MIDDLE GROUPS AND BLOGS: 100 Great Radical Centrist GROUPS and Organizations 25 Great Radical Centrist BLOGS SOME PRIOR RADICAL MIDDLE INITIATIVES: Generational Equity and Communitarian platforms 1990s First U.S. Green Party gatherings, 1987 - 1990 Green Party's "Ten Key Values" statement, 1984 New World Alliance, 1979 - 1983 PDF of the Alliance's "Transformation Platform," 1981 SOME RADICAL MIDDLE LESSONS: What the Draft Resistance Movement Taught Me What the Civil Rights Movement Taught Me SOME PRIOR WRITINGS BY MARK SATIN: New Options Newsletter, 1984-1992 (includes back issue PDFs!) New Age Politics: Healing Self and Society, 1976, 1978 (includes 1976 text PDF!) OTHER 50 Best "Third Way" Books of the 1990s 25 Best "Transformational" Books of the 1980s 25 Best "New Age Politics" Books of the 1970s NOT JUST RADICAL MIDDLE: 50 Current Political IDEOLOGIES 50 Current Political MANIFESTOS