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Issue No. 91 (June 15, 2006) -- Mark Satin, Editor Downsize the
pollster-consultant Why are our election seasons so full of mind-numbing rhetoric and so empty of genuine content?
A raft of books has recently been written on just that question (see RE:SOURCES section below). The most vivid and popular is Joe Klein’s Politics Lost: How American Democracy Was Trivialized by People Who Think You’re Stupid (Doubleday / Random House, 2006). His short answer: blame it on the "pollster-consultant industrial complex." Klein knows Klein knows firsthand what he’s talking about. He’s covered every presidential election since Carter-Ford in 1976, first for the alternative press and Rolling Stone, later for Newsweek and then Time, where he’s a regular columnist today. Each of the eight chapters of Politics Lost weaves into and out of one of those elections. Klein’s novel Primary Colors (1996), a thinly-disguised look at Bill Clinton’s campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination, was one of the best-selling political novels of our time. His book Woody Guthrie: A Biography (1980) shows Klein is more than a one-dimensional politico. His cover story for Newsweek, “Stalking the Radical Middle” (September 25, 1995), helped popularize the term “radical middle,” and Klein has continued to promote radical middle views, including in Politics Lost, where he memorably states, “I still believe in a place called the radical middle.” (On p. 88 he says he first heard the term from direct-mail king Roger Craver’s partner Tom Mathews in 1981. That is plausible to me, since I first heard it from Craver in 1983 when he used it to characterize my newsletter New Options.) Klein’s passion Klein’s motive for writing Politics Lost came from his gut. “I am fed up,” he writes,
Klein’s “insider” descriptions of our last eight presidential campaigns trace the roots of the problem not to corporate malfeasance or corrupt individuals, but to flaws in the political campaign process. Among them:
Stalking Klein’s recommendations Klein doesn’t just explain why our politics is largely empty-rhetoric-rich and content-free; he tells us what to do about it. Oh, he’s coy about that. Toward the end of the book he says he doesn’t want to tell us what to do: “Sorry. Not this time, not this book. I find most of the worthy suggestions packed into the last chapters of political books to be insufferably boring. . . .” Don’t pay any attention to that. Klein occasionally sounds like one burned-out political writer, and who can blame him? Probably most sensitive people writing about American electoral politics for three decades will sound burned-out at times. But if you troll through Klein’s entire book looking for "worthy suggestions," you’ll find a treasure-trove of them. Among the most important:
The real problem The real problem with our political system, Klein seems to be saying, isn’t in our rules or in the depredations of the rich and powerful so much as it is in our inability to find candidates or BE candidates that -- when the chips are down -- are honest, balanced, courageous, mature, and visionary. There are plenty of ways to reform the system that would make it easier for such candidates to run for office and win (see our review of Steven Hill’s 10 Steps to Repair American Democracy HERE), and if Klein can be faulted it’s for failing to highlight those ways. But he is after bigger game here. Ultimately, he seems to be saying, we can’t create a better society until more of our politicians embody “strength, originality, and a vital humanity.” And there’s no 10-step formula for that.
RE:SOURCES Most of Klein's criticisms are implicit in his wonderful political novel Primary Colors (1996), and most of his suggestions for change are implicit there too (easy to see if you read the novel AFTER reading Politics Lost). For other recent books that ask why our political life is so dismal, see Ronald Dworkin, Is Democracy Possible Here? (2006), and Alan Wolfe, Does American Democracy Still Work? (2006). For venomous attacks on Klein’s book from the traditional left, see Jonathan Chait, “Primary Errors,” The New Republic (24 April 2006), and Thomas Frank, “Joe Klein’s Turnip Day,” New York Observer (1 May 2006). Chait compares Klein to Neville Chamberlain, Frank accuses Klein of still being "enthralled by the creaking swingerisms of the 60s," such as the concept of authenticity. |
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